Friday, October 31, 2008

Off to Jax

Leaving in a few to head to Jax, going to be a blast. This success of this trip pretty much depends on how well UF does, sadly enough. Anyways, saw my adviser again. Changed some things. My revised schedule looks like:

-Hist 288, Urban Disasters. I think this is a research class. Meh. Should be fun.
-History of Jazz- fucking gay, enough said. I just have to take an upper level humanities/arts and this fell in it.
-Short Story- Sounds like a cool English class that should be relatively fun. I enjoy writing.
-Spanish- UGHHHH. I took 3.5 years in HS, I realy should have finished. Dammit, talk about ex demons biting you in the ass.
-Library- required idiotic class.

Anyways, off to leave. Will update more on my schedule later. go game.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Oh, the irony...

Alright so you know how I ended my last post with 'fuck school, have fun'?

Well, my slacking has come back to bite me in the ass. Hard.

For the past 3 years, I've been on track to becoming a teacher. I've always enjoyed teaching, I hoped to become a secondary Ed. teacher. My mother was a teacher and my father is a current professor. Being the eldest of four siblings, I've gone through many teaching processes throughout my life.

Alas, my ignorance has caught up to me. I forgot to apply for the teachers college, something that I was supposed to do months ago. Further my test scores for the PPST (Teachers Test) never got recorded. Perhaps that was the final nail in the coffin for me. I could still pursue a career in secondary education, but it'd result in me taking classes until 2011. Fuck that, I'd rather live down in a dumpster. The classes that I was supposed to take are not offered in the spring and I'd have to wait until 2010 to take those classes. No thanks.

So, I'll be hopefully on my way to a History degree. Thankfully I'm not too far off in the classes that I have taken and I should be graduating next fall with some luck. I am disappointed in the sheer idiocy of my decisions. I can't sit here and dwell on what could have been though, I need to instead look at my options and look to move on. I can take another career path by getting my BA in History and eventually my masters with secondary Ed. It'll be a longer, delayed path but one that could be possible if I want it to.

My first and foremost plan is just to get a degree. Anything after is fair game I suppose. I don't plan on working right out of college (at least if poker is still lucrative, which I suspect it will be). I'd like to travel (Asia would be fantastic). Meh, we'll see what works. I meet with my adviser tomorrow morning (or at least hope) to figure out the rest of my schedule. I also found out I have to take Spanish (I took 3.5 years in HS, .5 years short fuck my life). I fucking hate language and suck at it. Going to try and take it online through community college.

I'm heading to Jacksonville for the FL game this friday. I'm so relieved on the timing of this vacation. It couldn't have come at a better time. This allows me to clear my head and just enjoy (or brutally hate) life, depending on the outcome of the game. Was going to go as :

(Rufio from Hook, some idotic skank gave me that nickname (or was it one of my douche friends? I can't remember) a while back). Meh. Perhaps next year.

Books/Volunteer work

Thought I'd write about some books I've been reading or read recently. I enjoy reading alot and highly recommend people do so. Finding subjects and topics of interest makes it very easy.

Some books I read this last year, this summer, and currently that I enjoyed (or disliked)-

The Lords of Discipline (Pat Conroy)- Pat Conroy is a very different author. He is very vivid in his descriptions and his characters are often very funny. This book chronicled the journey of a cadet in a military academy in South Carolina. The characters in this book are fantastic and this book is my favorite Conroy book. It's a story of hardship and overcoming color boundaries. A bit long but rewarding and enjoyable.

What is the What (David Eggars)- A biography of Achek-Deng, a lost boy from Sudan. This book followed the account of the lost boys, thousands of refugees no older than 15. These boys overcame lions, militants, starvation, extreme heat, and hippos as they journeyed for years across Sudan on foot. Very eye opening for me.

The Road (Cormac McCarthy)- Fantastic post-apoc book. It follows a man and his son as they journey across the ravaged United States. They face rebel problems, food shortages, and weather hardships. I really enjoyed this book. It is written in a strange fashion (as most CM books are) but nonetheless he paints a vivid picture of this bleak future. A movie is coming out soon as well.

Pillars of the Earth (Ken Follet)- A very long book that follows the building of a Cathedral in medeival Europe. I had mixed feelings on this book. The characters are very real and I felt like I really understood all of them. Further the time period (and historical significance) of this era is pretty interesting as well. There were a few aspects about this book that I wasn't thrilled about- there was a semi lack of direction at times. But overall I enjoyed it and thought it described the political and economic constructs during this period well.

Brave New World (Huxley)- Another futuristic book that was spawned from the wild imagination of Huxley (written 50-60 years ago?). I thought that this book was great and showed a very strange future for the world. It shows a very technologically advanced civilization inhabited by 'savages'. A cool short story that is very creative.

Genghis: Birth of an Empire (Conn Iggulden)- I really enjoyed this book (and the sequel, Lords of the Bow). Genghis Khan is a super badass and this historical fiction provides an interesting outlook on Khan and his life. I feel that Khan revolutionized modern warfare with his tactics (almost can be compared to German blitzkrieg hundreds of years later). I thought these books were great.

Blink (Malcom Gladwell)- Interesting psychology book that describes the unconscious movements of our mind. The author explains 'thin-slicing', or how our brain can both react and understand many unknown connections in our lives. For instance, it explained an instance in which an art curator autmotically knew that a statue was fake (despite near perfect replication) based on only a glance. After many tests and controversy the statue was indeed a fraud. This is just one example in which Gladwell explains those 'gut' feelings that we have. Interesting and pretty fun.

Collapse (Jared Diamond)- This book sought to explain the collapses of civilizations world wide and provided a framework (economic, political, enemies, weather) on how these civilizations fell. I thought that the premise of this book was interesting and that there were parts that were fascinating (Easter Island for one). But the bottom line was that this book was written in a dull fashion and was a bit boring. I finished it but it was a bit difficult.

The Blind Side (Michael Lewis)- A very cool book (if you enjoy football) that explains the Left-tackle position and the evolution of the game (following Bill Walsh and the West cost offense and Lawrence Taylor). It also follows Michael Oher, a freak LT prospect growing up in rural mississippi. A great read for any football fan.

Those are some of the books I read last year and over the summer. I'm skipping many of them (Silence of the Lambs, Underboss, The Winner (Baldalcci), Urban's Way, etc etc etc due to being tired. Don't get me wrong, many of these books were good reads, just nothing of tremendous acclaim. I'm currently reading World War Z by Max Brooks, a post apoc zombie book. It's okay, not fantastic. It's written very strangely, with dozens of accounts of the zombies from all facets of life (jobs, locations, etc). It isn't one continuous story so meh. Other books that I recently picked up were "World Without Us', a book that shows us what the world would be like (environmentally, etc) after humans perish. Should be interesting. Also picked up 'The Time Machine and Invisible Man' by H.G. Wells. Not much to say here, just two good short stories by a genius.

I also finally got my volunteer work settled. I'll be doing hours at the Indian Cultural Center. I still have to get a min. 10 hours this semester for my multi-cultural class so blah. This month is going to be a fuckin bitch come to think about it...long research paper in my queer psych class (doing awful in it btw, havent discussed anything), long paper in my China class, project in both my tech class and multicultural class. Ugh.

A nice outlook I have on school (and many aspects of my life) is that 'most of it doesn't matter'. Those people that get super super super stressed over stupid classes or a retarded quiz just don't make much sense to me. In the grand scheme of things, these classes, these As or Bs don't really matter that much. Maybe I have a skewed outlook on life since academics have never really been a high priority but meh. While grades CAN change some aspects of the future (a friend of mine failed Organic Chem 2, therefore denying him entry into vet school)I still am not convinced that putting good grades above all else is the way to go. The underlying outlook that I hold is this- have a balanced life, enjoy youth while you can (friends, social experiences, etc) and don't worry as much about school. I also think about those who are super cheap while in college shouldn't be worrying as much now- that $200 bill is going to mean diddly shit when you're making 150k a year (some of my friends will make this much for sure).

And maybe that school outlook I hold is due to poker. I don't know. Am I fortunate? Yes, very. I'm very very fortunate that I'm able to do this as a semi-professional for good money. I'm given an opportunity that few my age are able to experience. But even without poker I'm fairly sure that I'd still hold this slacker outlook on life. The real world scares me and I don't want to grow up.

Monday, October 27, 2008

So I'm a fucking junior...

Well, after 3.5 years of slacking hardcore my demons have finally come back to bite me in the ass. I found out today I can't register for classes for a few more days and am 2 credits short of being declared a 'senior'. I also was horrified when I looked at my degree audit and discovered how far behind I am. This next semester (the last for many of my friends, not me sadly) I plan on taking-

-Coaching Football
-Psychology (cognitive I think, I can't remember).
-Drawing 101 (I enjoyed drawing quite a bit in high school but haven't done so in quite a while).
-Western Civs (Hist) class, a real joke of a freshman class that I need to fulfill a requirement.
-Nutrition (science of foods), another class I need to fill more requirements.
-English (Short story). I'm a decent writer (at least in terms of fictional accounts) and writing has always been pretty fun for me.
-Basic massage, a friend convinced me to take this with her. Ugh, call me a fag if you want. I told all of my friends that I'd take any free electives they were (I was hoping for more rock climbing, scuba diving, etc). That was also before I discovered how fucked I really am for school but whatever.

I see my adviser this coming week. She'll probably throw a hissy fit when she sees I still haven't applied for the teachers college yet. I'm not even sure when I can do that but whatever. If I'm forced to take 5.5+ years total I'm just going to drop out before then and say fuck the world, move to Thailand and start a black market prostitution syndicate. Go import some ladyboys or something. I'm hoping that this semi-heavy load I'm taking this semester will free some hours up for next year (when I can finally take some of my much desired 'fun' classes). God, I should be a senior...if I had transferred my metro credits for Micro Economics over (a class I took two years ago but never have due to laziness), I'd be declared a senior. Fck my life...

UF plays UGA this week in a pretty gigantic clash. It's not even the biggest game of the week either, with TTU and UT playing (#1 and #6 respectively, depending on what poll you look at). I'm heading down to the game to meet up with some 2+2ers (dbc and his roomie and TruFloridaGator), should be a blast. This is the first UGA/UF game I'll be attending and I'm super pumped. Plan on flying out on friday and just there until sunday morning. I think that the UF/UGA game will be decided in the trenches, as all games are. If UF's DL can perform well I think we have a very good chance of winning. If, however, we don't get pressure on Stafford, it could be a looong day (Green is very good).

We have our flag football playoff game later that day (on Sunday) so should be a busy day. We've had a long break for our flag football team so hopefully our focus is there. Our plays are here:

Many of them are hard to understand. Meh. We went 4-0 this season beating relative chumps. I think that practice WAS the deciding factor though in those wins. Although we are a fairly athletic team, we were just so much more organized than the other teams. We might not have beaten the third team on our schedule based on athleticism alone but who knows? Our next opponents look mediocre (after short scouting) so hopefully we can advance onwards. This flag football thing means alot to me and my teammates and I think a loss will be pretty hard on us (for how much we've invested).

While I'm rambling through different topics, I'll highlight on some that I haven't talked about for a while. My diet has been pretty awful lately. Eating out with friends daily and not really eating breakfast (no milk has been the factor for this) has led to just feeling like crap daily. I plan on improving it though (and it will probably improve drastically once footbal season ends). I'm just waiting in horror when the day finally does come when my body cannot sustain these 1 a.m. IHOP meals (that are typically 1500 calories or so) a few times a week. I did gain something like 15 pounds since sophmore year (and that's not really muscle either).

I have improved alot though in terms of endurance (despite it being very poor even today). I don't mind going to the gym and just jogging now instead of just straight lifting (I've been slacking hardcore on lifting, only been twice this semester). Meh, hopefully I'll improve as the year progresses. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to do hardcore running or run a marathon or anything like that. Not because I wouldn't ever want to but because I'm not sure if I'm physically able. I'm almost positive I have planters fasciitis which is an inflammation of the heel. My mom has it and my sister as well. My heel (mainly the arch) goes numb after 2 miles of running (and the lower half of my shin). Sucks.

Poker has been going swell. I'm not up a ton I guess (probably 5k or so, maybe more). Haven't played a tremendous volume but I'm happy with what I've done. I should get iron man this month at FTP which is decent. I also played live once this month (or twice? I can't remember) where I won a 1.3k session at 2/5. Other than that, can't remember. Meh.

googogogogogo gators

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Alright so some people are offended from my last blog post. Let me explain some of vernacular that might have been misunderstood. I refer to apes (a name that my good friend terp states frequently) as super donkeys. By no means did it reference the black guy in accordance to his race (although it may have seemed that way). Same with 'monkey'. Both are poker terms I use for extremely bad players. Further I just want to state that while I may joke about race alot (and perhaps may be considered racist in many ways), I bear no true hatred towards other people due to color alone. Come up to me wearing FUBU and chains and I'll dismiss you just as quickly as the next moron, white or black. Black guy comes up to me in a suite and glasses, sure I'll accept you professionally just as quickly as the next guy. I'm not going to go out with a white hood and a cross (LOL like they'd let a fuckin asian in to begin).

Do I make racial stereotypes and jokes? Yes. I think they are funny. And that's just not black jokes either, I'll laugh my ass off at asian/white/jew/mexicans/etc jokes just as well. LOOK AT ME I HAVE A SMALL PENIS YUK YUK! I'M A FUCKIN TERRIBLE DRIVER! (And I really am, there aren't any stereotypes there- another jap in my other class said he's been in 5 car accidents. stereotype? I think not. We are awful). Don't tell me you didn't smirk at those last comments because I know you did.

So, yeah, take it for what it is. Label me a racist, a bigot, a hick, whatever. I'm from fucking nebraska. yadda yadda yadda

Monday, October 20, 2008

black people + poker = LOL

live 2/5 tonight-

i'll preface by saying this- black people are so hilariously bad at poker. Ok maybe not all but the short sample I've had they are. (And I'll be the first to point out any other stereotypes- most of the asians I've played with are super degenerative maniacs and awful).

anyways, 2/5 at the horseshoe tonight, went with 2 friends. i was going to just play 1/3NL and take it easy tonight/donk around but saw a super soft spot in the 2/5 game (and an old poker buddy). this poker buddy of mine is one of the worst players i've ever played with. ever. he would lose $300 in a $20NL cash game. he would cold call an all in with AQ on T93 board. once i saw him sitting at 2/5 I had to sit (not that i'm afraid of 2/5 or something, just changed my agenda).

anyways, i buyin for $500, sit down. first hand i'm in, i fold, retard poker buddy limps 97o and proceeds to go ape**** on K769r board and loses to 85o in a limped pot to another monkey (black guy, more on him later). so booo, can't take any of his money.

anyways, it becomes quickly apparent that the black guy is totally horrible at poker. he's limping 100% of his hands (or calling raises). theres another wigger that looks like a white gorilla that is terrible as well.

anyways, i raise AJo after black guy limps to me from sb. he calls. flop J46r i bet, he calls. turn 5 i bet he calls, river 3, (J4653r) i check and he checks back 34o and i lose.

(and this guy seriously looked like eddie murphy. i'm not just saying that either because he's black. he LITERALLY looked like eddie murphy. imagine this-

staring you down. what a hilarious site.

anyways, i lose a few pots, rebuy for a few hundred more to top off. game is like 5 handed at this point and i'm having a fun time (it was a bit later into the night). overlimping alot of stuff, not really hitting anything.

i raise KK, fat wigger calls, $500 effective. he's shown a propensity to call down light and make poor calls.

flop 8T2 i bet 40 into 60 he calls

(140) J8T2 i bet 100 he instacalls

(340) Kx(KJ8T2) i just shove like 340 or something and he thinks for a bit and folds. i think that maybe betting 150 or 200 mightve been better. meh.

so i build my stack up to like...750 or something like that. black guy opens, i call black 88. flop 8T9 he bets $35, i raise to 110, he calls. turn 5 he bets $75 into me, i make it $275 (with like $250 back) and he thinks forever and chatters it up (saying he has diamonds), eventually calling me. he checks the river dark. river is Q and i check back, asking if he has diamonds? he says "OF COURSE I DO" and flips over Q9o and i win. he goes on megatilt after this and proceeds to raise almost every hand.

he claims he's going to get me and will 'play any two' against me. he rebuys for $500 after busting the rest of his chips with A2 against AJ on Axx board. the immediate hand after he rebuys he calls a RR with Q4 and wins against QQ on KJTA board and freerolls 8 on the river. he starts pumping his fists and yelling like most african americans do when excited.

anyways, i raise AA, he calls. flop KT2r i bet he INSTA makes it $100, i call. (we are like 1200 deep at this point). turn 8x i check and he checks back instantly. river 9x i think about how much i should bet and think to myself...he starts talking to me "man make a decision, bet if you want to! hurry up man! jesus christ". this was literally the most bizarre thing i've ever encountered in a casino...i was thinking for about 30 seconds tops at that point and he started freaking out. as i'm thinking, he says "just check man just check, ima show you my hand" and proceeds to FLIP OVER K6o slowly. I say 'what the ****', shrug my shoulders and bet $120 into like $220. he starts spazzing out and eventually calls a clock on himself because folding is so damn difficult here, which he eventually does. he berates me nonstop after.

also of note at this point i forgot to mention there was an vacant stack next to me filled with a graveyard of broken $1 white chips. eventually the guy made it back and there i encountered one of the most insane people i've seen yet. he stood about 5'7 or so and was incredibly strong looking. he was young and smelled like complete ass, reminded me of some crazy loony with retard strength. he said he just got done playing bacarat and said poker was '****ing gay'.

anyways, he played hands in a terrible fashion and was pretty horrible. its no wonder he lost in poker, he was limp/calling with J3. anyways, after i played the AA hand with the ape, i got AA directly after. the retard opened, i reraised and he calls. flop KQx he c/c. turn 3x he checks, i just shove him in (like $200 into like $300 pot) and he asks if i'll show. i say no and he eventually folds after a long deliberation, showing AK. he asked if i could beat it and i said "damn man, we were chopping". he proceeded to slam the table with his fist and snap one of his white chips, chucking it against the felt.

at this point, i'm being berated by the black guy and stared down and cursed at by the angry retard. still, i was making decent money and decided to stay. another old guy (chief chipowa by the looks of it) sat down. he could barely read the board and was super insane, limp/calling with 72o and 73o. he open potted the river against me on a TT5TT board and i called with K7, the winning hand.

anyways, i am card dead for a while, black guy goes into super tilt mode and starts opening $45 a hand. old fart and retard boy are happy to oblige him while me and the guy next to me were just sitting back for the most part. retard boy leaves after breaking a few more whites and babbles about how he lost $15k this week.

anyways, we are like 5 handed, i open 54 after a limper, btn calls, sb calls, black guy in the bb makes it $50. i call and so does everyone else, so we are like $700 deep (btn had like $1k) with about $200 in the pot already going to the flop.

flop- 367
sb (old indian) donks $50, black bb calls $50, i make it $300, btn tanks forever and folds (later saying he had 9T), sb folds, black bb jams with 85o and i hold.

game breaks shortly after as we were only 3 handed after that. hilarious night.

cliff notes- black people suck at poker. they are only good at sports. just kidding.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Tonight we went out on the town for Preston's 22nd birthday. Met at HuHot (nasty ass azn food that gives you diarrhea) and then went to go see a shitty movie (Lakeview Terrace). We used to enjoy going to shitty movies for comedy (we have lots of free time). The movies premise was hilarious- a highly racist cop in L.A. who despised seeing his neighbors (a white man/black woman) together. He does everything in his power to break them up and make them move. The writing and the sequence of actions are so ludacris that any creditability (whatever small amount it might've had) was lost. The movie was so long and boring (until the end) that I couldn't even find humor in this atrocity. Should've seen that shitty movie QUARENTINE instead.

Anyways, went to the bars after. First did a few boots at Huber Haus (German pub) and then headed to Mics for karaoke. Everything was going fine, nice and chill. My friends are not the easiest going group though and we all like to spaz out frequently (especially when alcohol is in the equation). People sang, we got a few pitchers, everything was nice and meledy. John and Seth drunkingly ran up to the stage and dry humped a large black lady (who loved it).

A douche walked up to the stage a little while later. He was accompanied by two women. The guy started singing his song, eventually waltzing over to his seat. Seth beligerantly started screaming "GO UP TO THE STAGE" and pointing at him. The two women he was with turned around and stood up, pointing fingers at us-

"If you all shutup for the rest of the night and stop screaming I'll buy you all shots."
(John pants his arms up and down like an eagle and says "EVERYBODY QUIET"...nobody really responds to this woman)

The lady continues to bitch. Seth finally has enough and stares at her, saying "Well quite frankly you're a cold hearted cunt."

(ensue chick going totally ballistic)


"Yeah, you're a dumb bitch, a cold hearted cunt. I meant every word I said."

(She storms off in a fit of rage, screaming and pointing at us). Seth shrugs his shoulders and we all hold our heads down while holding in laughter.

Seth earlier put in a song to sing for karaoke-

When his name was called, he jumped up there and started slobbering the words in a drunken madness. Everyone in the karaoke bar just stared at him, some crying out in disgust. One particular fellow shook his head and claimed he had two little girls at home. After the song concluded people shouted "YoU FUCKING PEDOPHILE! YOU LIKE LITTLE GIRLS?!"

Seth raised his arms in jubliation and screamed "YES I DO I'M GOING TO GO TO JAIL TO GET BUTTRAPED!" People continued to cuss him out. We continued to laugh.

Funny ass night. I'm a prick. And so are my friends. LOL

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


We are 4-0 going into the playoffs for Flag football. We destroyed the last team 38-0, they never had a shot. Funny too because they thought they were the shit due to being undefeated (and beating the previous retards). Our team played pretty well, though we had a few unsportsmanlike penalties (one on me because I kicked a cone after running out of bounds on a route then dropping it after I was out of bounds). Still, we finished well and played tough D with a pretty well rounded offense. John (our MLB) had two pick sixes and was called 'Brian Urlacher' by the end. We have about two weeks until our play off game and need to stay focused/continue to practice. I think we should work a bit more on a running game (reverses/more option plays) in case of the cold weather that is soon to come.

I've been playing a decent amount of poker lately. I still don't have 10k hands but probably getting somewhat close (I would guess). My PT2 broke a while back and I don't have any of those hands saved. Probably haven't won a ton, I would guess probably like 2k in like...6k hands of mostly 1/2NL. I want to just get back on the horse though and looking for a modest month (5k+ would be nice). Paltry to former months but meh. NLHE has been nice and relatively easy, I haven't been tilting as much. I've probably played 3/4ths PLO though.

I filmed the first segment of my series with terp two days ago. It didn't go that great (at least on my part IMO), though terp carried me and did a great job. I stumbled alot and was relatively unorganized. I hope that I'll be better prepared for the second video.

Anyways, UF crushed LSU last saturday, we fixed alot of things. Didn't do stupid 5-wides, OL played alot better and were split wider (to open more running lanes), TT had time to throw and move around. Was really happy overall, defense played great. If we continue to play like this the rest of the year I think we have a real shot at heading to the SEC championship.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


So our flag football team is 3-0, last game no thanks to me. I played fucking awful, dropping balls like it was my job and even worse, missing tackles (or grabbing flags). Pathetic performance. Our next game is on monday though and I swear to up my performance before then. I've already decided that from here on out I run 4 gassers for every pass dropped/every tackle missed. My play makes me want to puke and frankly, I felt like shit after the game. I suppose the victory was a good one as this team was the best we've played yet (we won 32-14). Embarressing performance though.

UF had a disturbing performance against Arky. This week should be really quite excellent though against LSU. They had a bye week which should give them some extra preparation/extra time to rest and heal against us. I think the line is UF -6 but I'm not positive.

UF OL vs. LSU DL - Not really a fantastic matchup. LSU's DL, perhaps not as talented as last years is still extremely deep. They can rotate 6-8 guys, many of whom would be full time starters at any other school. T Jackson and R Jean Francois are both very very good players. Add that to the fact that UF's OL has had serious miscommunication problems as well as injuries spells trouble. Tartt (UF's best OL is hurt). Thankfully Carl Johnson has filled his spot and played well. UF OL played much better in the second half of the Arky game. But we will not be able to get a great push against LSU's DL this game. We cannot run into the heart of their D as Mullen has the past few games. We MUST throw. Demps, Rainey and Moore, while all very fast, cannot move through the tackles against this DL.

UF WR vs. LSU secondary- LSU is definitely missing some pieces from last year's team. Their CBs last year were very experienced and very good. Many of LSU's secondary this year is suspect and it is essential that UF throws the ball more this game. UF must create a pocket/give Tim time to throw in order to succeed in this game.

UF DL/LB vs. LSU OL/RB- UF's DE's are fantastic. Trattou/Dunlap/Cunningham are all great. They are very fast, not as fast as Harvey/Moss but still very good (and the potential is there). UF's DTs on the other hand are pretty pitiful. They are all undersized and provide little to no push. Lawrence Marsh has been playing fantastic and Terron Sanders is good against the run. Patchan has a great motor as well. But there are still problems that we saw last season, little push. Highly touted John Brown, Torrey Davis, and Omar Hunter, while playing minimally, haven't made huge impacts. LSU's OL is gigantic. I think we lose this battle as well, minimally. UF LBs are average. Spikes is very very good, and the others are solid as well. They don't play fantastic as a unit but are still good. I think if we can contain Charles Scott (230 pound fatass RB) who runs people over, we have a solid chance.

Games are won and lost in the trenches. Cliche, but it's true. There are many other factors in this game that will make it a great one. Special teams are fantastic for both teams, coaching decisions (by the mad hatter) never fail to disappoint in the comedy factor (despite him having one of the best SEC records the past 3 seasons). I'm sure there will be some great runbacks, fake punts, etc. in this game. It'll be interesting to see how the UF offense adjusts after slight setbacks the previous two weeks.

Poker has been going fine. I'm determined to get back on the grind. I've logged 3k PLO hands this month (which is about 7 hours). I've won in NLHE as well, though my PT2 is busto for some reason. I've made large strides in this series that terp and I have been doing and we should start filming this week. It is a ton of work though so we'll see.

School has been going meh. Haven't really been doing my work, need to read/etc more and not be such a pile. I failed this self defense class due to being late on one class period (late = auto fail) so blah. Seeing as I'm doing five years, I'm going to be super slacking next semester, going to take a ton of fun easy classes (mountain climbing, pottery, painting, cooking if they offer, martial arts, etc). Sort've sucks that all my friends are leaving this year.

Watch UF/LSU 8pm EST on CBS. UT/OU is going to be on as well, same with PSU/Wisky. Should be fun games all around. Cheers.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Flag Football ownage

We have been dominated flag football. Or at least the first two games. 2-0 at this point, we shut out our opponents last game. I'm pretty happy with the way our team has been performing. Everyone is playing their position well and we are winning off great defense and strong field position. I do hear that our next two opponents are better than our previous two though so we'll have to practice extra hard for that.

UF football sucks. I can rant for hours on the overall performance of our team last saturday against Ole Miss. Play calling was highly suspect, OL play was disastrous, secondary gave up a few long ones (though they had been on the field forever at that point) and we had three turnovers. There is still a small chance for a MNC run (we cannot lose another obviously) and hope that we get in after we win the SEC championship. CFB has been very interesting lately and it seems as if last year was not a fluke...giants are falling (including USCw and UF) to teams they shouldnt be losing to. A ridiculous number of ranked teams lost last week and I'm sure that trend will not stop. I just pray that UF is not like last year's Cal Berkley, who was #2 at one point and then lost their next 6. UF has Arky (the worst SEC team) though this week and that should be nice and easy. I also bought my plane ticket for Jacksonville on the 31st of Oct. for the UGA game, which should be fun.

NE lost to VT in a pretty even game last sat. VT controlled the ball for 3 quarters (pathetic red zone offense) and held on to the win despite a last minute drive by Nebraska. This week with Mizzou should be interesting (perhaps a blowout).

Poker hasn't been going great, though I haven't been playing much. This is the first month that I get back on the horse though and I plan on doing at least 10k hands (hopefully more). My first DC video is up as well with decent reviews (I was meh on it, I felt I played suboptimally in some areas). Justin and I have also started our series and should get the first video done within the coming days (should make for decent content).

School has been going pretty bad. I've been skipping frequently, not studying or doing any work. As I said, I probably am going for five years (which is both good and bad) so blah. I have to start thinking about what I'm going to do for future trips as well (winter break, fall break). Haven't decided if I want to go to the PCA again. We'll see.