Tuesday, April 21, 2009

work :(

the end of school is near, we have like 3 weeks left including finals week. i'm ready to go to summer, ready to end this school year. sucks ass because all my friends are leaving and i won't really have many friends to hang with next year. school work has been pretty lame for the most part...i've been doing pretty shitty overall and probably am going to get two Ds next semester. i guess i could consider studying for my geology final but meh. jazz overall has been a disastrous semester/class and i'm actually fighting to get a D in that one. if i study for geo though i probably can pull out a C or C-, so we'll see how much effort i choose to put in there.

other classes have been meh...probably get Bs or an A in my history or english class. i'm such a shitty student and it sortve disgusts me. with that said, i've never really cared enough to put forth much effort (or any at all) with regards to school.

poker has been going meh overall. i haven't really made much this month at all, haven't really played either. i guess that'll be a trend in 2009. i've been debating cashing everything out except $2k and playing from there to try and rekindle any sort of grinding passion that may lay dormant inside....but fat chance that will happen.

i guess i've just been pretty lazy in general. thinking about it now, i don't really care all that much about money. i see alot of my friends playing thousands and thousands of hands each month and making good bank (which is great for them). i've never had that passion though, at least not recently. i wonder if this hobby of mine (and or job, whatever you want to call it) has almost run its course...my passion (and goal) is to travel the world, see different cultures and be able to do different things. i've always enjoyed history and there isn't a better way of seeing it/understanding it (to a partial degree) than going there.

i've debated whether or not i should log my calorie/food intake. i'm sure it'd keep me more accountable (ala raptor's blog), but meh. i've been mainly sticking to a pretty std diet of one carb and protein for lunch and pretty much just protein for dinner. my 'diet' really isn't anything to speak of either, it's really just cutting out some unecessary carbs that i had before.

i think in terms of changing your overall diet, small steps is definitely the way to go. i remember 3 months ago i couldnt even go to sleep without being full (meaning eating a full IHOP meal when not hungry). i've since cut most of that crap out (sometimes I eat it on weekends). for those who want to start getting into working out/improving diet, i fully recommend it. you'll have more energy, more confidence, etc. it's just better all around.

start slowly. i'm not a nutrition/workout expert by any means either, just know a small bit from past experiences. start doing short cardio, maybe walking a few miles. maybe going into the weight room and doing some basic lifts. build on it and you'll see results.

gl, lets hope i run well in these last tests coming up. school is over in 2 weeks. hallelujah

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