Sunday, June 21, 2009

poker stuff

less than a week till Vegas, i'm pumped. in the meantime i have to get ahead on some dicksucking spanish. i think i can pretty much get a chapter done in 2 days, at least that's what i've been doing for the past two. really pisses me off to no end that i'm going to have my vacations ruined by gay fucking spanish class.

poker has been pretty frustrating lately. i've actually been working on not checking my cashier (failed today), as i think it affects my quality of play as well as the duration. i have a problem playing longer while stuck than when i'm winning. i get lazy and just say 'hey, book the win, whatever' instead of continuing to play. today i played a marathon session after losing 5 bi in less than 20 minutes.

anyways, thats something i've been working on. while in vegas, i figure i might as well do something while there (that is, play some WSOP events). i'm too cheap as of now to put down 1.5k or whatever so i got a staker for two 1.5k WSOP events. the deal is 70/30 (tourney profit only), pretty standard i think. on one hand it sortve sucks that i'll only get 30% of myself but i mean, its really zero risk and i'm not going to be doing much else with my time. so whatever.

still working on getting a WSOP ME stake, i put a post in the marketplace staking forum, so maybe someone will bite. i also have two main event freerolls to play on FTP (and ill probably play more tourneys this week) to both a) try to win a package and b) try to get more tourney experience.

also have to try to get back in shape, been a bit lazy while at seattle. the humidity is starting to get out of control here and i'm looking forward to dry heat in vegas. i'm really looking forward to vegas this year, i think we have some cool outdoors stuff planned (climbing, hiking, perhaps a day trip to the hoover dam, i'm not sure).

i've been pretty lazy overall thinking about it...don't really do my school work, don't really do much exercise (i was doing it every day for a while)...don't really read. what a bum i am. i'm currently reading 'The Count of Monte Cristo' and am enjoying it alot (though i havent read it the past few days).

hope ppl are playing/running better than i am. cheers.

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