Thursday, January 15, 2009

school starts/life/etc

second semester started, its pretty meh overall. my classes are all going to be fairly easy, with the exception of one of my history classes (i have to do a ton of research for this queer 15-20 pager that I have to do by the end). i've decided that i'm not going to go to any of my history of jazz classes either- all my friends said its pointless and just to do the study guide questions in the book. so i'll just not go until my first test and see how it goes (trial and error ftw!).

school overall sort've blows. i'm ready to be done i think, ready to try new things. while poker hasn't been as profitable for me as it was in the past (mainly due to running bad/playing bad/not playing at all), and i hope to somehow reclaim that passion.

HERE is a cool post that I have similar feelings with. While I haven't quite won $300k the past few years (LOL volume/taxes), I can definitely feel some of the same feelings that he has. As I've said in the past, I've never really been a true grinder (other than when I first started playing). I envy those people like shpanko and jongreenway/ZeKGB/etc. They beat the game well for a reason, if not just for pure volume (you obviously get yourself into more situations when playing more hands, and adjusting/seeing those situations prepare you better for the future).

When I was taking my history class the other day, my professor was describing what it really means to be a 'historian' (this class was a core class for history majors, mainly focused on research/etc). I dunno, a history degree is pretty useless in most cases I think. Only really did it because my main option (secondary ed) didn't work out. A 'historian' just doesn't seem right's like a title only reserved for professors and those people doing field work (interviewing people about x event/etc). Not really sure what I'll be doing for a career, but meh...this is one such regret I have about playing poker- sure it's given me a great lifestyle and enabled me to pay my bills, but how is it going to feel when I have to go into a desk job for 40 hours a week grinding it out for $40 an hour, if that? I almost feel as if I can't do it, be it from my experiences with poker or my personality- I'd much rather be making scraps and loving my job than doing something I hate for a little more.

Also have to figure out my summer plans, along the same vein. I'm sure I want to travel post graduation, and this summer as well. I'm thinking Thailand, I hear that it's crazy fun (especially with all the SSNL guys there, bastards). For spring break my friends and I are planning on going to South Padre island near Texas (march 15th?-22nd). Should be a blast.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Here's your friend from China-Judy's daughter-Ann. I'd like to contact with your sister Christine. How can I get in touch with her? Here's my blog address and welcome to go through it and give some comments.