Tuesday, March 24, 2009


sorry haven't updated in a while. i went down to south padre, TX for spring break this past week which was a blast. no real pics up, maybe in the future. the drive there/back sucked dick and i got a $220 ticket. lead foot yee was going 12 over and fucking texan bastards wrote me a ticket.

i haven't played much poker this month (go figure). been busy with some school stuff, spring break i took a week off as well. probably up like nothing this month but whatever. meh.

school has been going alright. i think i'm probably resigning myself to a D in history of jazz. i just need the credit. at this point i'm content with doing shitty in those classes that i just need credit for. call it senioritis or something, i dont know. i probably should try marginally but i just find it so boring and gay. i have to sign up for some classes next semester, probably looking towards U.S. military history and a history of China class.

i also enrolled into a scuba class, not sure if i mentioned it here. i'm pretty excited for more experience with scuba diving...we had one class and it's a load of fun. i need to finish this class and then do some open water dives to be certified. i still haven't figured out some of my summer plans (more on this later), so we'll see then.

as far as exercise/diet/etc has been going, i've decided to cut back on some of the carbs that i normally enjoy. i started this yesterday and am anxious to see the results (probably won't come for quite some time). for instance, instead of eating 3 slices of bread and making a chicken sandwhich, i just ommitted the bread (same with tonight). i normally eat a shitton of carbs in general and i think cutting back on some of them will allow me to both gain muscle and lose body fat faster.

i haven't lifted in forever. i'm at the point in my life where i don't really care about lifting as much, at least exclusively. mountain climbing is a great work out and i feel that i'm already getting stronger from that. but as far as going in the gym and lifting weights, meh. i might do it every once in a blue moon but i doubt it. i still don't mind running and probably will interchange cardio/climbing throughout the week.

it feels good in general to work out again after spring break. i'm not sure what i'm going to do this summer when i'm unable to climb...maybe just do pushups/situps. i'd love to continue climbing though and i'm afraid that all strength i've built will be lost. (which would suck dick).

this summer i have mapped out for the most part. this thursday i think i'm going to go book my ticket, or at least discuss it. i'm going with two other friends, both poker buddies from nebraska. i've heard many stories on thailand and the place itself seems like a blast.

i don't know what i'm really doing in may. i wanted to initially go somewhere. i may or may not just take a 2 week vacation somewhere and spend the other 2 weeks getting all my shit organized. i have a fair amount of work to do in the next month or two...i have to find a place to live next year, find a solution (since i'm only doing 4 months of school, doing a full yearly lease sucks). i also have to get all my tax stuff in order because taxes are coming up (ughhh).

2 weeks somewhere sounds fun. i'll figure it out.

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