Wednesday, May 6, 2009


school is fuckin out, i'm loving it. here is what i did to my jazz book after the class is done-

the sick part is that i'm not even sure if i passed yet. i'm pretty confident that i did but no hilarious would it be if i had to both retake the class as well as rebuy the book? i guess i'd have another 10 minutes of entertainment.

it feels fuckin good to be done. no more school, at least for another month, when i have to take queer spanish. i'm not positive how that's going to work out either.

meeting w/ my lame adviser was pretty lol at first. the conversation went something like this-

"so what classes are we looking at for next semester?"
"some easy ones."
"well, there are a few courses here that look difficult. you're going to have to take some upper level arts, usually people take jazz."
"sounds gay. i don't do school well."
"well what do you do then?"
"wtf do you mean by that?"
"what do you do? if you don't study..."
"i like to go to the gym and play video games, hang w/ friends, etc"
"oh, so thats it."
"well i also like to play poker"
"oh...(eyes slant down, AZN DEGEN flashes in her mind)"
"also, i can get a D in my geo and jazz classes right? i just need the credit."
(eyebrows go up, she says nothing)..."would it kill you to just try for one semester?"
"um...yes" (i walk out)

whatever. she can suck on her 20k job after she has her masters degree somewhere. maybe she finds that job rewarding, i don't know.

anyways, im probably going to get 2 Ds and 2 As. i'll be getting 2 Ds in the easier classes (history of jazz and geology 100) and 2 As in the harder ones (ENG 303: short story and my core history class in which i had to write a 15-20 pager). definitely a person who needs the class to be somewhat interesting (at least to me), or a good professor. next semester i am taking a few gay classes...some education class, a shitty psych (i think) and a sweet one, U.S. military history. my classes are scheduled for the morning so we'll see if i'm able to get up for them. i sortve doubt it and i might have to drop them/find some other times. i still havent figured out my housing for next year either. i'm thinking about living in an area nearby campus.

poker has been going meh. i havent played much this month due to finals and shit. i'm hoping to coach and play more though with finals being done.

i also LOL uploaded my FTP 1/2 hands for shits and giggles. most of these hands occured during the summer , during the worst downer of my life. it also doesnt include -8k at AP lol...what a joke. whatever, shit happens

still not worse than one of my poker friends, he's getting crushed. i'm also thinking about getting into staking people, we'll see how it goes. i'll be interested to see how it all works, etc.

i'm also taking scuba 2 next semester. i think it includes night scuba diving, which seems like a cool skill to learn. i'm quite excited getting certified later this month. im really excited to do scuba diving, especially around the world.

climbing has been going well. i beat a 5.9 today, a new route at the wall. i don't know how i'm going to climb this summer, i'll just be traveling around. i'm hoping to climb in vegas. as far as omaha, i think i might go down to the university of NE omaha, i hear their wall is quite good. seattle i doubt i'll have any opportunity. i still need to get my own harness/chalk bag/etc. i'm lucky in that my hands don't really sweat while i'm climbing, so i don't need a chalk bag. some of my friends who climb take off in the summers, and it usually takes about a month or so to regain that strength. when i finally get out on my own i'm going to have to figure out a gym to go to.

re-diet and stuff, it's been megashitty lately. i'm pretty out of food for the most part and am just waiting to go home. i still have alot of shit to get rid of before i head out, lots of frozen chicken and such. as far as working out, i have been sortve sluggish the past week. i have a cross book w/ofishstix for gym, we have to go to the gym every day. swimming has been slowed, i havent touched it. i'm almost scared to do it, since it's such a bitch of a workout...but i know i have to do it.

looking forward to the summer. currently wasting my life away at FTOPS, sigh. gl to all.

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