Saturday, November 8, 2008

3 down...

So as I said last time, we have a mouse problem. We bought all these different traps/poison/etc.

This was the result:

The first picture (not sure if you can see well enough) displays a severed head of this mouse. Thing was split in two and its neck was crushed.

The other one was still alive, as its back leg/tail were caught on the trap. It squirmed and squealed loudly and we had to execute it manually by smacking it with a pole/stomping on it. (Maybe I have a few screws up in my head loose).

My friend also caught one earlier that morning in a trap and it was dead. So that's three mice down with probably a million more to go. The source is this large field next to our house and the mice are all fleeing inside as the weather gets colder and colder. Luckily we haven't heard or seen any in a day so that's good.

College football has been fun. UF has been rolling. But more importantly today is that PSU lost. Nobody ever wanted to see a big 10 champion in the championship this year- they simply are not the best team (or deserve to be there). Had they won out, they probably 'deserved' to go moreso than UF/OU/UT/etc etc etc (simply because they took care of business, something the mentioned did not do). Regardless, I would take many teams over PSU in a head to head neutral matchup.

It looks that the mNC game is headed to be a Big 12 vs. SEC matchup. I think the B12 is a better conference this year. The SEC was pretty overrated in general (especially at the beginning of the year). I do think that it is very close though (with the SEC having a better medium and perhaps bottom) while the B12 having a clear advantage at the top. With TTU smashing OSU tonight, it really is impressive what they've done. They've clearly turned it around and are NOT the same team that narrowly escaped defeat against Nebraska. I think their DL is playing much better than previous and everything seems to be clicking.

UF controls its destiny from here on out (barring some unusual circumstances). I think that a b12 champ/UF would be great. I'm not terribly concerned about Bama, I think we match up pretty well against them. The team that is the scariest to me is TTu at this point, at least schematically. I think UF matches up better against a heavy running team (re-Bama). I'd say that while TTu is generally fairly one dimensional (passing), their running game is not bad at all. Given that UF's pass rush is pretty piss poor and Harrell's OL is massive, I don't really see them getting at him quickly enough.

I think that UT/OU would be fine, I wouldn't be too scared. OU's offense would be troubling but their D hasn't really shown a ton this season (and they've only beaten one T25 team this season in TCU). I think losing Reynolds at the UT game really hurt them.

I haven't talked about poker in a while. I've been doing solid. I finished last month at maybe 7-8k,maybe a bit more or less. My PT2 broke a while back. This month I started strong, up about 4k I'd say but I lost some yesterday. Total would be ballpark around 3k maybe, give or take?

Meh, I'll get my PT stats sometime when I get HEM and request some hands. Cheers.

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