Thursday, August 14, 2008

Football Practices/Pokering/etc

We did our first practice today (only 3 of us could make it as all others were working). Flag football works with 7 on 7 in our league. We initially planned on doing a spread-option run based attack (with an option) but I think that doing more pass based (perhaps 3-4 WR sets) would be better. Unfortunately we couldn't get a ton of practice techniques in due to the lack of number of players we had but I thought it was productive nonetheless. We'll be getting our positions and depth charts figured out within the next few weeks. The season lasts for 4 games or so as well as a post season.

As far as exercise goes, I did a 'ball toning' class today with my mother and nearly died. I haven't been running a tremendous amount though which is disappointing. I look to get into better shape though when I do back to school which is fast approaching (first semester starts on the 25th). I also signed up for a personal defense class for college that meets once a week which should be fun as well.

Poker has been going solid. I'm way behind on my # of hours this month and to be honest I probably won't finish. Still though things have been going very solid at 2/4 PLO this month. AP has been different unfortunately. I ran pretty horrible in two situations where both players were super droolers (and I ran into the top of their range). I don't really have a tremendous desire to continue playing their either and probably will cash out my money. gg AP, you made me a much better player during my tenure there.

(here is a graph of my 1/2 play there. I obviously played other limits there with success. The days is pretty skewed since I played there very early in my career and some of those hands were filed in there).

So gg AP. I plan on moving the last 4.5k or whatever I have on there off there. As far as game selection/choosing other sites, I'll have to find other sites to play on. NLHE in general I've found to be pretty boring lately and very mechanical. Meh.

Looking to move in the rest of my stuff. We get our cable on the 21st and that should be nice. Also looking to get our series off (terp and I) and I'm pretty excited for what our outline is going to be. Also my video with Parlay Slow and Joe Tall got pushed back unfortunately so we won't see that for another 2 weeks or so. be good.

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