Monday, August 11, 2008

Moving stuff

Tomorrow I move in most of my crap, bed/tv/etc etc. Time to go back to shitty Lincoln...I like Omaha much much more. Whatever. I am pleased though as I've said in the past on our selection this time. We have a pretty decent location (can walk to football games, probably walk to campus as well), I'm close to alot of my friends who live nearby, we have more room and privacy compared to last years, etc. I do have to get a car though within the next few months so that should be fun.

I still have yet to play any NLHE seriously. I played a very short session today and was bored. It's so mechanical. And I'm not trying to sound arrogant either, like I'm the super NLHE master of the world- PLO is just alot more fun for me. I do want to get back into NLHE in the near future though.

Some interesting concepts I've been seeing on the forums lately. Alot of people like to 3-bet UTG openers with JJ+, AQ+. (6-max, 100bb stacks). This is a pretty interesting tactic that may not appear so to many. Think about the hands you ARE 3-betting an UTG opener with- okay, stop. You probably have a pretty strong range right? And that isn't to say thats bad. But when your range is so so so weighted towards very strong hands, villan can fold all but the very top of his range. So what do we do to widen our range?

In general, 3-betting UTG openers (generally against tighter players) with a polarized range works. Polarized meaning two poles, one very strong (QQ+, AK+) and weak (stuff like 75o as an extreme example). Instead of just 3-betting UTG villans with JUST strong hands, try to mix your range a little. I would say that generally 3-betting more medium hands such as AJs/KQs/99 is typically pretty meh in general (as a blanket statement). Even hands that start spiraling down the 'medium' label and going to the weaker value (45s or A2s) are okay candidates. And your opponents in SSNL will probably not catch on to this if you do do this. But having a wider 3-bettting range in general helps. (and in general, its typically better just to fold the 78o on the button to an UTG open).

Anyways, yeah. I haven't really played too much NLHE lately. terp and I ironed out some details however on an upcoming series. There are some things I have to take care of though before this happens. I have to figure out how to put the damn DC mods on my FTP background (I'm a computer tard, help me goofyballer), I have to move my stuff into my APT, and I have to figure out how to make a video to begin (for some its just soooooo easy, it'll probably take me forever). We plan on doing a decent series though on a variety of topics so hopefully we can get that off within a week or two.

As far as playing though, I haven't really been playing a ton (gasp surprise). This APT stuff along with just life in general has been time draining. Today I ran 3 miles (in which my friend beat me, I was impressed with how much endurance he has currently), ate dinner with family, then went over and watched two episodes of The Wire and finished with IHOP. (terrible idea as far as diet reasons but it's just soooo good). When I have been playing though I've been playing a mix of good and bad. I can't honestly say that I've played optimally full time. Today I played a terrible sesssion where I lost about 3 buyins within 20 minutes. I took a break and then won 2 back playing well. So who knows.

Speaking of The Wire, I really love that show. We are winding down though (we went through the first 5 seasons really quick but moving slow on the last one) and it's been quite a ride. For those who don't know, The Wire is a police drama based in Baltimore. The writing is fantastic and it follows many of the problems (primarily gangs and drugs) that the city faces.

Other T.V. shows I vastly enjoy are LOST, Sopranos (though done, I recommend it to anyone), Heroes (have to turn your brain off a bit but entertaining nonetheless), and The Wire. I recently picked up Jericho and it looks interesting (Post-Apoc is one of my favorite genres). Need to read more as well though so bah. Collapse is interesting but the opening chapters (on the economic troubles of Montana) aren't the best. We'll see how it finishes.

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