Sunday, August 24, 2008

New Place

Moved into our new place and finally got internet up. Here are some pics:

Yeah, I know I need another moniter, etc etc. Whatever, its a nice place for $780/month for three of us. Plan on getting back into poker/etc soon. Though I am angry that I wasn't able to make iron man this month due to not having internet for the past 4-5 days. Played some PLO today, not too long of a session though. I don't think I'm going to make the 40 hour goal here...probably have a little more than half that right now. School starts tomorrow and I only have one class at night. 16 credit hours this semester but not sure if I'm going to waste my time with 'History of 20th century China'. mother would be happy that I took that class but let's face it, I'm more white than azn. CFB less than a week away so let's googoogogogogogogo

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